LSU Partnership Campaign


When we first interviewed Gardere Initiative’s executive director, we were informed that the organization’s main goal was to increase the number of Spanish-speaking volunteers for the younger students in the Gardere community. She also wanted to ensure that the volunteers would be willing to make a long-term commitment to volunteering.

One member in our group will be graduating with a minor in Spanish. She had the idea to reach out to the professors in the Spanish department at LSU and ask them to inform their students on the volunteer opportunity. Another member of our group sent the email to the Spanish professors. In doing so, we arrived at one of our biggest successes in the campaign - a partnership with a service-learning Spanish professor. He emailed our group member back and informed us that he would love to partner with Gardere Initiative in the Spring 2021 semester.

After just one meeting on Zoom, we were ready to create a public relations campaign to help the Spanish professor spread the word and to increase the spanish-speaking volunteers for Gardere Initiative. My role in this project was to create a campaign plan based on the ideas we came up with. The campaign that I created includes both clients’ goals, the situation, problem statement, themes, messages, publics, goals and objectives. This campaign was approved by our professor, the LSU Spanish professor, and Gardere Initiative’s executive director.

Emilie Schwing